Biopor® AB Xtreme

Attention please: Biopor® AB Xtreme is only available for a short time!
Because 2 becomes 1: we have succeeded in combining the advantages of Biopor® AB Xtreme with those of Biopor® AB, creating a silicone that has the best properties of both products: you get the best Biopor® AB ever! Of course, the wide range of colors and the different degrees of hardness - 25, 40, 60 Shore A - are still available.

Availability limited to remaining stocks of the old Biopor® AB Xtreme products shown here.

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Material data

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Consistency medium-bodied - Type 2
Processing indirect
Production methods with FotoCast® SL, Fotogel, Plaster
Processing time (23 °C ± 1 °C) 3:30 min. ± 30 sec.
Setting time 30 min. ± 5 min. (40 °C / 4 bar)
Mixing canula Ø 6,3 mm
Application Hearing protection, BTE
Volume 8 x S 50 double cartridges of 2 x 25 ml A+B

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