Addition-vulcanizing silicone for high-quality, durable splash water protection plugs. Thanks to the low weight Biopor® AB light earmolds stay floatable even when lacquered. For a brilliant, easy to clean surface we recommend our silicone lacquers.
Please note: This material has a Shore hardness of 16 Shore A in the color reddish-transparent (#28501).
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Material data
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medium-bodied - Type 2
Production methods with
FotoCast® SL, Fotogel, Plaster
Processing time (23 °C ± 1 °C)
2:30 min. ± 30 sec.
Setting time
25 min. ± 5 min. at room temperature (23 °C ± 1 °C)
Mixing canula
Ø 5,4 mm
BTE, water protection
Final hardness
25 Shore A
8 x S 50 double cartridges of 2 x 25 ml A+B
Mixing tips, transparent
Manual Injectors
The manual Injectors enable a clean and safe application of impression materials with stable pressure.
Injector control A
The Injector control A is very comfortable and increases movability during impression taking. Suitable for all Otoform® impression materials.
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Diluting agent for NanoScreen™ Soft.
Diluting agent
for Lacquer B eco and Lacquer B mat.
Diluting agent for Lacquer B and Glusil.
Biopor® AB Xtreme
Tear-resistant, elastic and triple flexible.
Biopor® AB fluorescent
The addition-vulcanizing silicone fascinates with its signal colors that even shine in the darkness and so create bright moments.
Biopor® Marker eco
Colored silicone material for the visibility of engravings on silicone earmolds.
NanoScreen™ Soft Lack
The NanoScreen™ Soft Lack already shows its effect after a few hours and after 12–24 hours it features a sterile silicone surface.
Lack B eco
The moisture-curing varnish Lack B eco corresponds to the proven Lack B.
Lack B matt
Moisture-curing lacquer for a matte finish of silicone earmolds.
Lack B
Moisture-curing lacquer for Biopor® AB earmolds.
Biopor® AB UV lacquer
Ideal coating for Biopor® AB earmolds on the basis of an addition-vulcanizing silicone. The Biopor® AB UV and RT Lacquer are free of solvents and odorless.
Biopor® AB RT Lack
Ideal coating for Biopor® AB earmolds on the basis of an addition-vulcanizing silicone.